Step 1 (Account Setup/Playschool Application)

  • Create User Account
  • Submit Initial Application to Playschool
  • $100.00 non-refundable deposit required

Every application, registration and waitlist signup will be linked to a user account that requires signing in with email and password. Once a user is signed in, they can view their own profile, as well as details related to the current application or registration for their child.

Parents fill out a simple initial application form that establishes their place in the queue (determined by established criteria). An automated email response will follow submission of the application.

Step 2 (Registrar Assessment)

  • Acceptance/Waitlist
  • Children assigned to classes
  • Families will be emailed invitations to register

Assessment by Registrar to determine acceptance, fee payment, assigned class, etc.
Parents of accepted children are emailed to proceed with full registration process.

If requested class is full, accept second choice, or sign up on Waitlist.

Step 3 (Class Registration)

  • Full Registration with Family & Child Info
  • Parent job preference selected

Accepted applicants can sign in and complete the full registration form for their child(ren). One household form for shared information (linked to user account), and one form per child.

Step 4 (Mandatory Annual General Meeting)

  • Meet the teachers and executive
  • Duty Bond cheque submission
  • Parent job assignments
  • New executive elections
  • Cooperative budget review
  • Q&A Session